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Exhibitors' List

Extract of Exhibitors' List  ENERGY / EcoTech Days  2014



Activity: Founded in 1986, ALMA CG is a expert in the field of consulting with its 300 scientific, doctor and engineer consultants. Our mission is to operationally support economic players in the development and valorization of their R&D projects. With a turnover reaching 164 million € in 2013, Alma Consulting Group is a European leader in its fields of activity for 27 years. The group brings customized solutions to its customers in order to improve their competitiveness. Alma CG is an European expert about innovation tax schemes, direct supports and audit about innovation activities (technology or human resources).

Certifications: ISO 9001:2008 et OPQCM.




Activity: The national association of research and technology gathers public and private actors of research and innovation. Its 3 main actions are : CIFRE agreements, the FutuRIS prospective platform and the improvement of collaborative research methods with the Europe Division. For more than 30 years, the CIFRE package subsidises all French companies (14 000€/year) which employs a PhD student for a temporary contract lasting 30 months or long term contract in a collaborative research with a public laboratory. 




ActivityCreated in 2002, the company AREELIS Technologies, spin off of CORIA Research Laboratory, is a scientific engineering company specialized in the characterization of fluid flow and energy filed. Its mission is to answer the specific needs of industry in the fields of complexe flows, plasmas and environmental issues. 




ActivityBpifrance finances businesses from the seed phase to transfer to stock exchange listing, through loans, guarantees and equity. Bpifrance accompanies firms developing export activities, in partnership with UBIFRANCE and Coface, and provides support to their innovation projects.




Activity: CERTAM is a CRITT (French acronym for Technological Transfer and Innovation Regional Centre). It has been created in 1991 as a spin-off of a CNRS laboratory (CORIA UMR 6614) with the strong support of Upper Normandy, Research and Technology Minister, CNRS, General council of the Seine Maritime Department and European Union. CERTAM is focused around 3 main objectives : Promote a highly skilled research structure in the fields of internal combustion engine and air quality to participate to scientific and economic development of Normandy region - Create links between industrials to ensure technologies transfer between academic research and industrial research and development - Develop a european technologic and scientific research platform between public and private research groups to potentiate energies on the clean engine and air quality thematic.




Activity: The Industrial and Technology Research and Studies Center specialized in Processes Safety is active in the following fields: Chemical processes, Chemical analysis, Polymers, ... CERTI also offers skills in the fields of  organic synthesis but also reaction kinetics, corrosion, ...  




Activity:  Very closed to company and operating in their fields,  Cesi has developed a specific approach of their issues, that makes Cesi different from other training and innovation players.  Aware of the importance of integrating research and innovation in education and training, CESI stuctured 2 major research organization to meet the needs of industrial partners : LIEA and IRISE. 




Activity: CEVAA is the Center of Expertises in NVH fields. It Supports Transportation Makers, Manufacturers, Suppliers within all domains of activities (major groups, small and medium-size Companies) to solve day-to-day issues they face within the fields of Acoustics and Vibrations.  It provides standard methodologies and shared data tools/ common language to Clients. CEVAA also operates Acts in the various Transportation domains (Automotive, Trucks/Buses, Railways, Maritime and Aeronautics), as NVH Experts for testing and by delivering industrial solutions but is also involved in transfering all this knowledge and expertise to other activities as Building, Materials Environment and working conditions - Masters Project Management, legal agreements and full confidential environment.



CRT Analyses & Surface


Activity: This Regional Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfers between R&D and production specialises in carrying out studies and and services relating to tests, investigations and the characterisation of materials, particularly in terms of their surface, content, nature, composition and behaviour.




Activity: The CORIA is a Joint Research Center (UMR) attached to the Engineering adns System Institute (INSIS) of CNRS (Research Council), to Rouen Univesity and to the Insitute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Rouen. The fields of Research of CORIA are basic and applied studies about reacting and non-reacting flows. Physical mechanism and processes leading to the reduction of polluting emissions in reacting systems are part of the major areas of research. 




Activity: EcoTechnilin is a leading provider of natural fibre solutions. With production facilities in the UK and France, we are capable of producing 7000 tonnes of non-woven mat per year. Working with our supply partners, we have developed a range of materials for use in a wide spectrum of applications. Our facilities have been producing natural fibre products for over 20 years and our production processes have been designed specifically for natural fibres. This knowledge and experience has led us to build excellent relationships with suppliers and clients, allowing us to develop new materials and processes to cater for the growing demand for green products.




Activity: Energies Haute-Normandie is an association created in 2009 at the suggestion of companies, French State and Regional Board to answer regional energy challenges. The association aims at creating opportunities in the field of energy in 3 specific fields ; energy efficiency of companies, valorization of energy sources but also associated jobs and skills. 63 SME and industrial groups but also federations, institutions and Education and Research organizations are parts of ENERGIES HAUTE-NORMANDIE's members. 




Activity: Today's manufacturers are searching for new materials, that are lighter, more respectful of the environment, but with just as much technical high-performance. They also need to be able to lean on highly organized industries - those that are capable of providing homogeneous materials over the long term and are sufficiently organized to be able to meet potential demands at all times. Constant quality, high performance, meeting specifications, guaranteed supplies... Only a sector that includes all key players, from the seed to the end product, can satisfy the industry's expectations. The industry's requirements for Technical Flax are different from those for linen. The network dubbed FiMaLin aims at more than simply organizing a sector for flax production. FiMaLin is a vector to sustainably support a Technical Flax sector that is totally and exclusively dedicated to the requirements of industry users that want to use natural fibres in the reinforcement of their plastic and composite materials. For all of these reasons, FiMaLin is the organization that brings together seed manufacturers, growers, transformers, logisticians, manufacturers and research centres.


GPM (Physics and Material Group)


Activity: The Physics and Material Group (GPM) is a Joint Research Center (UMR) of CNRS, Rouen University and INSA de Rouen. the laboratory is famous at an international level for its works on 3 major topics: Scientific Instrumentation, Metal and alloys sciences and mechanics, Nanostructures and Nanotechnology. 




Activity: IFP Group Powertrain Technologies Offer is composed of an integrated range of technologies, products and services thanks to its 2 companies :IFPEN and D2T.IFP Energies nouvelles is a public-sector research, innovation and training center active in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. With more than 20 years of experience, D2T, which has partnered both carmakers and equipment suppliers, is specialized in powertrain engineering, development and tuning of engines.




Activity: Federating 5 Research and R&D laboratories known their scientific skills as well as for their important experimental means, INSTITUT CARNOT ESP is active in the development of performing and more environmentally friendly energy production systems and propulsion systems.  





Activity: Formed in 2001 by ESIGELEC with the support of manufacturers and institutional bodies, IRSEEM (Embedded Electronic Systems Research Institute) has quickly developed collaborative research with its partners and transfers technologies to regional sectors in the automobile, aviation, electronics, telecommunications and energy industries. These activities are focused on a theme which is important for all these industries – embedded systems. The areas of research IRSEEM focus on are defined via close consultation with partners in industry and higher education and evolve according to economic, environmental and societal needs; a transversal team ensures that the research is widely distributed and put to best use.




Activité : SME / SMI specialized in the field of virtual engineering systems, ITI develops simulation software for engineer-designers and scientists in industry and education, while also offering development and engineering services. ITI simulation solutions are used by over 850 companies around the world in sectors such as automotive, energy, precision instruments, aeronautics, mechanics, and naval construction.ITI offers dedicated solutions and references in the fields of real-time and HiL (Hardware in Loop) applications. ITI Southern Europe is the editor of the mutiphysics simulation tool named SimulationX.




Activité : The EMC3 projet so called « Energy Materials and Clean Combustion Center » is part of the laureate of the « Laboratoire d'Excellence » project call, an initiative of the French governement's Investment Program for the Future. This research centre is the only one dedicated to Materials for Energy and Clean Combustion. Supported by the CNRS (Normandy delegation), it joins 7 Norman laboratories. Involving 700 researchers including more than 200 PhD student, the EMC3 activities focus in particular on materials for energy recovery, safety of nuclear installations,  development of new materials from eco-friendly methods and on the improvement of fuel,  combustion, exhaust gas decontamination and thermal energy recovery.




Activité : Le Laboratoire d’Etude et de Caractérisation des Amorphes et de Polymères a été créé en 1974.Il est aujourd’hui composé de 10 permanents, 10 doctorants et autant d’invités et stagiaires, spécialisés dans les études des comportements dans le temps et à l’usage des matériaux à structure complexe.




Activité : Créée en 1999, LIFCO Industrie s’impose dans l’environnement industriel français et européen comme une référence dans l’ingénierie des surfaces des poudres et pièces massives. Dotée d’un Département de Recherche et d’une Unité de Production, la société innove continuellement dans les domaines des matériaux, de la mécanique et de la métallurgie. Développement à l'international par la mise en place d'un partenariat avec la société EUGLOS pour la vente des produits et services Lifco en Roumanie.




Activité : Laboratoire spécialisé dans les domaines de la mécanique des fluides, l’acoustique ultrason, le géo-environnement/génie civil et les procédés de mise en œuvre des matériaux composites.   




Activité : Pôle de compétitivité en R&D Automobile et Transports publics, Mov'eo développe des projets collaboratifs innovants pour renforcer la compétitivité internationale des entreprises françaises et des territoires. Mov'eo est implanté sur les régions Basse-Normandie, Haute-Normandie et Ile-de-France: son territoire représente plus de 70% de la R&D automobile française. Les projets collaboratifs de Mov'eo se construisent autour de sept domaines d'activités stratégiques : Solutions de Mobilité Intelligente, Sécurité des Usagers de la Route, Démonstrateurs et Véhicules Décarbonés, Empreinte Environnementale Véhicules, Systèmes de Stockage de l’Energie, Systèmes Mécatroniques pour l’Electrification du Véhicule et Chaînes de Traction Thermiques. 




Activité : Fabricant de connecteurs électriques et de systèmes de connexion rapide (électrique, fluides, air).Nous proposons des systèmes de connexion adaptés aux besoins de nos clients. Notre technologie de contact permet de réaliser des connexions électriques sûres et fiables dans des environnements sévères et de répondre aux contraintes les plus drastiques. Dans le domaine de l’énergie, la société réalise des connecteurs industriels haute performance , conçus pour des conditions sévères dans des environnements industriels. Comme ils sont équipés de la technologie MULTILAM essayée et testée, ils assurent une faible résistance de contact et une densité de courant extrêmement élevée. Nos connecteurs d'alimentation sont utilisés dans une vaste gamme d'applications comme la production et distribution d'énergie, des applications de baie et tiroir, des systèmes de commande de machines, des transformateurs mobiles et beaucoup d'autres.


Certifications : ISO 9001.




Activité : Depuis 1949, Pöppelmann s’est développé en tant que fabricant de pièces plastiques leader en plasturgie avec ses 5 sites de production, ses 550 presses à injecter, ses thermoformeuses et extrudeuses. Dans plus de 90 pays la qualité des pièces "made by Pöppelmann" est appréciée. Plus de 1 700 collaboratrices et collaborateurs hautement qualifiés assurent ce succès.




Activité : En tant que leader mondial dans le domaine du test, nous vous offrons plus de 130 années d'expérience, fournissant la plus grande gamme de tests de produit à nos clients dans le monde entier. Notre réseau mondial de laboratoires de test où travaille un personnel qualifié et expérimenté peut vous aider à réduire les risques, diminuer la durée de mise sur le marché et prouver la qualité et la sécurité des matières premières, des composants et des produits.




Activité : SOMEGE, spécialisée depuis plus de 30 ans dans l’usinage CN de fonderies, petites et moyennes séries, couvre toute la chaîne de valeur, de l’approvisionnement en fonderie ou mécano-soudure (acier, inox, bronze, fonte aluminium…) à la réalisation de prototypes et de produits finis. SOMEGE est également en mesure de réaliser des ensembles complets électromécaniques (câblage, réglage des butées, etc…).

Certifications : AS/EN 9100, ISO 9001 version 2008.




Activité : SymbioFCell est une société spécialisée dans la conception et la fabrication de batteries et piles à hydrogène. La société conçoit systèmes complets de piles à combustible, qui complètent ou remplacent les batteries pour les véhicules électriques, permettant ainsi de doubler ou tripler leur autonomie, avec des temps de recharge de quelques minutes seulement au lieu de plusieurs heures pour les batteries.




Activité : Située près de Rouen, en Normandie, la société Tangent'delta est votre partenaire expert en acoustique, vibration et thermique. Elle vous accompagne dans vos projets innovants, dans vos développements produits, dans la compréhension et la maîtrise de phénomènes multi-physiques. Parmi les compétences maitrisées par la société : Caractérisation matériaux, Ingénierie numérique, Moyens d’essais, Solutions Logiciels et Conseil & Formation.  




Activité : Van Beest est sur le marché mondial un fournisseur leader qui propose une gamme complète d'accessoires pour élingues câbles et chaînes.  VAN BEEST propose deux lignes de prosuits : marques déposées Green Pin et Excel. Ces deux lignes de produits sont utilisées dans de nombreuses applications dans divers secteurs d’activité comme le pétrole et le gaz, l’industrie, les mines, le maritime et la pêche. Les deux gammes sont souvent associées pour de multiples applications.

Certifications ISO 9001:2008, For our Green Pin® Standard and Green Pin® Polar shackles DNV 2.7-1 Offshore Containers, EN 12079-2 Offshore containers and associated lifting sets, EN 13889 Forged steel shackles for general lifting purposes, IMO/MSC Circular 860, US Federal Specification RR-C-271, DNV Standard for Certification No. 2.7-3 Portable Offshore Units, DNV Standard for Certification No. 2.22 Lifting Appliances. 

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